Celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit for a good cause

Over the last five months, Bruce Wilkes and Clive Wakefield, local residents of Victoria Falls, have held four "Handmade, Homemade & Food Fair" markets to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that existed before, and has arisen in the town throughout the covid-19 pandemic, with all entry fees to the market supporting the Victoria Falls Old Age pensioners.
Many of the stalls at each of the markets have been members of the tourism community who have shown exceptional entrepreneurial spirit in starting alternative revenue generating projects to help see them through the challenging period following the down-turn in tourism as a result of the pandemic.
From hand-crafted gift bags, to artisanal homemade breads & pasta, pies and samoosa's, to tantalising cakes and pastries, homemade marmalades, pickles and dips, local artist pieces, flowers, leather goods and clothing - the creative talent of the Victoria Falls community has been amplified over the course of the last few months as the vast array of skills of this resilient community have been out on show at the popular markets.
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